Our History

Even though our Global Sight Alliance web portal has been updated and improved, this historical video will demonstrate the features and resources embedded in this web site.  For more HISTORY, keep reading below.

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The Global Sight Alliance is a collaborative initiative of Mission Eyes Network and ASCRS Foundation to create a dynamic online presence and forum for engaging ophthalmologists and other eye care personnel who are interested and involved in international vision care.  Using the 6 year experience of Mission Eyes Network, an upgraded effort to collaborate with agencies, clinics and individuals for humanitarian concerns has been launched in 2012.

The vision for this collaboration and networking began before 2006 as the impetus for beginning an online presence called Mission Eyes Network.  Dr. Stan Pletcher discerned this need when he recognized that ophthalmologists sometimes had difficulty figuring out how to help since there was no coordinated effort to help those looking for information or for how to best use their skills.   In 2006, he launched Mission Eye Network to host listings from many different agencies and also as a forum for dialogue about different international topics.  Misson Eyes Network has hosted many videos of MSICS techniques and has been a champion to promote the education of this technique.

Mission Eyes Network worked with TrueVision in 2009 to bring the first 3D MSICS wetlab to the annual mission meeting of the Christian Ophthalmology Society.  Currently Mission Eyes Network has been working with HelpMeSee to assist them in connecting with surgeons around the world wanting to do more volume of MSICS.  Education of this phenomenal and economical technique continues to be a priority for this effort.